What We Believe

We Believe

We share the same core beliefs with all evangelical Christian churches. 

We are part of the local Churches Together, the Baptist Union of Great Britain and a member of the Evangelical Alliance

Our Mission Statement

As a church, we believe we are called to serve as God’s people to bring glory to Him so that His Kingdom may increase.

We believe in the authority of Scripture and living out biblical values to help us live as God’s people here in Cranham.

Demonstrating our love for God and others, we strive to:

1. Worship God in all that we are, all that we say and all that we do.

2. Grow in our love and understanding of God. 

3. Deepen our relationships. 

4. Commit to attracting others to Jesus.

5. Care for one another 

6. Serve the Church and the world. 

7. Witness to the Gospel of Jesus 

8. Partner with other churches, missions and communities.

Getting involved

We encourage everyone to discover more about God's exciting plan for you and to be part of the church family by:

Partners in Giving (Leaflet)

Please download and print this leaflet that gives further information about the church and how to set up a standing order.

If you pay UK income tax please also complete the Gift Aid declaration so that we can reclaim tax on your gifts.

Thank you.

CBC Partners in Giving 2020.pdf