Session 8
Spiritual Warfare
- What did you find most helpful or most challenging in the video?
- How do you find that you approach spiritual warfare: do you relate to any of the worldviews of the Sadducees, Essenes or Pharisees that Pete Grieg mentioned?
- How do we get the balance right between the reality of spiritual warfare and focusing on Jesus?
“When we pray for God’s Kingdom come it’s because it’s not automatic... we have to pray it in.”
“When we pray for God’s Kingdom come it’s because it’s not automatic... we have to pray it in.”
- How does this reality affect the way that we do spiritual warfare?
- What are the strongholds - greed, arrogance etc - in your home, work or community context? How can you live in the “equal but opposite spirit” this week?
Reflection & Prayer
Reflection & Prayer
Revisit the goals that you set at the beginning of the prayer course to grow in prayer and your relationship with God.
Thank God for the journey he has taken you on during this course.
Spiritual Warfare Resources
Spiritual Warfare Resources
- Warfare Prayer
- How to Fast
- How to Prayer Walk