Session 3


Key Points


God’s will: In the book of Isaiah, God says: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)

God’s world: Pete Greig quotes C.S. Lewis saying that, “the very conception of a common, and therefore stable, world demands that [miracles] should be extremely rare.” 

God’s war:

Reflection & Prayer

Today we’ve tried to understand better the things we can, and to trust better when we can’t understand. Finish now with a prayer of relinquishment written by George Macdonald. It’s not an easy prayer but you may like to open your hands as a sign of surrender.


Afresh I seek thee, lead me—once more I pray— 

Even should it be against my will, thy way.

Let me not feel thee foreign any hour,

Or shrink from thee as an estranged power.

Through doubt, through faith, through bliss, through stark dismay,

Through sunshine, wind, or snow, or fog, or shower, 

Draw me to thee who art my only day.

