Session 2
Key Points
We can learn 4 keys to coping with despair from Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane: Place, People, Prayer, Purpose
Jesus isn’t just dying for us, He’s suffering with us
Find a purpose in the pain when you can, and nd a purpose in spite of the pain when you can’t
“I don’t want to remain in this place of sorrow and anger... I want to choose life again, and I want to find life again.” - Simon Thomas
What did you nd most helpful, inspiring or challenging in what Pete Greig, Gemma Hunt and Simon Thomas shared?
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus shares with his friends that “[His] soul is overwhelmed to the point of death” – what are the barriers or obstacles you face when sharing honestly or openly with friends? Would anyone be willing to share about a time in which their soul felt ‘overwhelmed’?
What happens to your prayer life when you are feeling overwhelmed or upset? What do you notice that you do differently?
Pete Greig says, “God does not leave us to suffer alone” – is this something that you have experienced? Where has God met you in your suffering?
Do you think that it’s possible for everyone to find a purpose in – or in spite of – their pain?
Pete Greig talks about the holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl and the importance of finding some kind of purpose in spite of our pain. Take a minute or two in the silence to reflect on an area of suffering you have experienced, consider ways in which you have been able to find – or might be able to find – some kind of purpose in it or in spite of it.
Simon in his interview shares about his honest – often angry – prayers to God. What are the things that make it hard to be truly emotionally honest with God?’
How might we as a church do more to invest in one another during struggles and trials? Are there practical steps that need to be taken to support one another more?
Reflection & Prayer
- How are you feeling about the things covered in this session? Are there any areas in which you’d appreciate prayer - get in touch.
- Take time to pause and reflect on The Isenheim Altarpiece, by Matthias Grünewald, which Pete Greig talked about in the session. (available online at matthias-grunewald/the-isenheim-altarpiece-1516)
When life hurts,
I get confused, dishonest, suspicious, and critical.
I put on the belt of truth.
When life hurts,
my relationships suffer—especially my relationship with You.
I put on the breastplate of righteousness.
When life hurts,
I either get really lazy or I make myself really busy.
I put on the shoes of the gospel.
When life hurts,
I let down my guard and leave myself exposed.
I take up the shield of faith.
When life hurts,
my thinking gets negative and I question everything.
I put on the helmet of salvation.
When life hurts,
I’m a coward.
I take hold of the sword of the Word.
Lord, it doesn’t feel very “finished” down here.
I don’t feel very “finished’.
See me kneeling.
Help me stand.
Life Interrupted, Simon Thomas
Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
God on Mute, Pete Greig