Session 1

God on Mute

Key Points


Reflection & Prayer

How are you feeling about the things covered in this session? Are there any areas in which you’d appreciate prayer - get in touch.

A prayer for trust in Jesus, by Ignatius of Loyola:

O Christ Jesus,

when all is darkness

and we feel our weakness and helplessness, 

give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength.

Help us to have perfect trust

in Your protecting love

and strengthening power,

so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, living close to You,

we shall see Your hand,

Your purpose, Your will through all things.


Read the poem Silent God by Edwina Gateley:

This is my prayer—

That, though I may not see,

I be aware

Of the Silent God

Who stands by me.

That, though I may not feel,

I be aware

Of the Mighty Love

Which doggedly follows me.

That, though I may not respond,

I be aware

That God—my Silent, Mighty God, Waits each day.

Quietly, hopefully, persistently.

Waits each day and through each night For me.

For me—alone.
